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Vision & Values

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

We are a spiritually diverse congregation located in Sheboygan, WI where God is still speaking. FCC Sheboygan is designated as an Open and Affirming (ONA) church. ONA is the United Church of Christ's (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, and other bodies in the UCC which make a public covenant of welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.

We affirm all who seek to follow Jesus’ way and share their gifts in service to the church and wider world, regardless of race, physical or mental capabilities, socio-economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. 

We also believe that all the Christians are called to be “ministers.” Each one of us has a primary “arena” of ministry; for some it might be in the church (as for us pastors); for others, that primary arena of ministry will be the home, the workplace, or the wider community. Learn more about our ministries.

Church in Action

Our Mission

  Our Vision & Values  

As an open and spiritually diverse Christian community, we exist to empower our members to give evidence of their faith through their daily lives.


We are a serving community, committed to the teachings of Jesus and their expression through our life vocations.

We are a nurturing community, committed to the Christian education and loving development of children and youth.

We are a healing community, ministering to each other and addressing the needs of the larger community beyond our membership.

We are a learning community, expanding our understanding of our faith even as we transmit that faith to our children.

We are an affirming community, lifting up the talents and efforts of others while strengthening our individual gifts from God.

We are a celebrating community, grateful for all that we have and sharing our joy through collective worship and common work.

We are a caring community, modeling love and demanding justice wherever they are needed.

We are a conserving community, accepting all of God's creations as worthy of our care.


We believe that all persons are children of God and we invite all who are in accord with our vision to join our family of faith.

Congregation Pasto Julia Easter Service.jpg


During the school year, we gather for worship at 10 am in the sanctuary at 310 Bluff Avenue in Sheboygan. Worship is usually led by our pastors, Jim and Julia Hollister, often with the involvement of lay members who read scripture, opening prayers, etc.


Free child care is provided during the service. Children attend first 15 minutes of worship and then head to their classrooms for Sunday School for remaining worship time.


We share in the Lord’s Supper (sacrament of communion) on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to participate in this ritual meal. This meal is open to all — men and women, youth and children — who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God’s people.


A hearing loop (turn hearing aids to “T” setting) and large print versions of the Sunday bulletin are available to worship-goers.

We Welcome Your Support!

First Congregational Church of Christ, UCC

First Congregational Church is a spiritually diverse, Open and Affirming congregation that welcomes all who seek to follow Jesus’ way. Worship services are every Sunday at 10 AM. Sunday School for children is provided at time of worship, and a staffed nursery is available for God’s littlest children. Join us!

Address: 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan

Phone: 920-457-4818


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