Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 30th @ 10 am. In the Sanctuary. Live Streamed.
🙏 Pastor Jim will preach on "What Might the Prodigal Child Have Prayed?" (based on Luke 15).
♫ ♪˚♬ Shalom, Indeed will offer three musical pieces - "Turn off the News and Plant A Garden," "God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale," and "He Will See you Through."

FCC Photo Directories Are Available for Pickup!
Each FCC household will be given a FREE photo directory. You can pick up your copy on Sunday mornings (look for a display in the narthex) or in the church office during week day office hours (9 am to noon). If your photo is not in the directory but you would like a copy - we are happy to provide one for you as well. Thank you for your patience with getting this project completed!

Sunday School Children Learn about Their Inner Life
Sunday, March 30th
Children (1st-5th grade) will be reminded that we need to allow time in our life to quiet the mind and heart and look inward to feel the connection to God. This lesson talks about looking within through a story in which a child notices family members reading the Bible, writing in a journal, going for an early morning jog, and watching a sunrise.

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Sunday, March 23rd
See Video Here
"Be the Light" through your gifts to OGHS, the United Church of Christ helps our neighbors in tangible ways, standing in solidarity and mutuality to respond to ongoing and emerging needs, and work for the benefit of all. Working collaboratively with Conferences, local, national, and global partners we provide clean water, food, education, health care, resettlement for refugees and displaced persons, emergency relief, and disaster preparedness and response. Donate here or make checks payable to FCC, re:OGHS.

"Allegiance to the Empire" Film Series
Monday Nights through April 7th
Join Pastors Jim and Julia for a discussion of ways in which Christian community can serve the world and at the same time be faithful to God's vision of the Peaceable Kingdom. Using "Work of the People" videos, we will look at the myth of the "Christian" nation. On Mon. March 31st, we will be discussing "Citizenship as Relating to the Other" in the FCC Conference Room from 6:30-7:30 pm.

NEW Firefly Preschool Offers Summer Programs!
Firefly is offering FIVE week-long programs for children age 3-5 this summer. Program will be held from 8:30-11:30 am in the Firefly classroom and playground area. Camps include "Mini Maestros," "Enchanted Forest," "Mad Scientist," "Junior Chef," and "Urban Explorer." Check out the details and register on the Firefly website.

Thanks to all who contributed to the “Art for Malawi” Sale
We raised $3,600 to support teacher training scholarship. Funds raised will pay for two semesters of schooling for 20 people in Malawi. Nancy Buhr is so appreciative of all of the volunteers who helped to make this sale successful.

Wednesday Night Youth Program
Wednesday, April 2nd
Thanks to Carol Theiszen-Culp for providing the dinner (6:30-7 pm) in Lucas Hall. The OWL (Our Whole Lives) program (5-6:30 pm) will look at "Consent." The High School Youth Group will gather in the Youth Room from 7-8 pm.

Accepting applications for the Ray E. Hoffmann Scholarship
The FCC Memorial Gifts Committee is offering grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 given to students pursuing an advanced degree in social work, counseling or psychotherapy. The applicants must have a connection to the wider Sheboygan community (reside in Sheboygan County, or attend an educational institution in Sheboygan County or be a member of FCC Sheboygan). The application deadline May 15, 2025. Click here for scholarship info.

We Welcome New Teachers to the Firefly Staff!
We have recently hired four new Firefly Preschool Teachers. We have already introduced Jocelyn and Desiree. This week we are introducing Paytan Brady!
Paytan is a certified childcare teacher. After years of being a stay at home mom and volunteering in both her children’s classrooms, she decided to become a substitute teacher. Finding great joy and a passion for the role, she made the transition to teacher. She’s excited to explore, create and grow alongside your children, building strong meaningful connections through play, art and hands on learning. Paytan lives in Kohler with her husband William and their two children June (7) and Franklin (4).

Easter Flowers for our Altar
Decorate our Easter altar by sponsoring spring flowers in memory of loved ones! All flowers are $15.00 each. Following Easter worship, volunteers are needed to deliver the flowers to homebound & elderly members. A list of memorials and sponsors will be included in our Easter online worship. Click here for Easter Flower Sign-up.

Join us for Mission Trip Brunch
Youth and parents will be hosting a FREE breakfast (egg strata, coffee cakes, and fruit) following worship to raise awareness about our upcoming Youth Mission trip to Asheville, NC this summer. The sponsor-a-youth campaign will also be launched that day.

Holy Week Worship
Holy Week Worship
Palm Sunday - Sun. April 13th, 10 am: Pastor Jim will preach. FCC Choir will sing. After service, we will have a Mission Trip Brunch to support the youth going to Asheville this summer.
Maundy Thursday Worship - April 17th, 7 pm: Sacrament of Holy Communion & worship service in the sanctuary remembering Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. A time of "tenebrae" (shadows) with "extinguishing of the lights" will also be shared through scripture readings. FCC Choir and Bill Born will provide special music.
Good Friday Worship - April 18th, 6 pm: During this worship service in the sanctuary, we'll remember Jesus' crucifixion. Jeff Britton and Dan Ognavic, special music.
Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 20th, 10 am: We'll gather for one service at 10 am. FCC Choir and Brass Ensemble will provide special music. Pastor Julia will preach. Following the "Time with Children," children (age 3 thru 3rd grade) will enjoy Sunday School class and an Easter Egg Hunt. Children in 4th grade and above are encouraged to remain in worship. Nursery care is also provided. Join us for coffee hour!