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  We are a serving community.  

  We are committed to the teachings of Jesus and their expression through our life vocations.  


Scholarships are available for United Church Camps at both Daycholah (on Green Lake) and Moon Beach (St. Germain) camps. Applicants should be active members of FCC or from member households (at least one parent is a member). Awards are given on first-come, first-served basis. More details below.

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Ray Hoffmann was a man with keen wit and a compassionate, healing soul. He served the Sheboygan community as a psychotherapist and founder of a foster care agency that provided treatment for seriously disturbed children.The Ray E. Hoffmann Memorial Scholarship has been established in his name to continue his work and ministry. Grants range from $500 - $2,000. The grants, offered once per year, are given to selected students who are pursuing an advanced degree in social work, counseling, or psychotherapy. The student must have a connection to the wider Sheboygan community (reside in Sheboygan County, attend an educational institution within Sheboygan County, or be a member of FCC, Sheboygan).


Scholarship deadline is May 15th


Each year, the Scholarship Committee of First Congregational Church awards college scholarships for members of FCC families. For more information and to learn if you qualify, click below.

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We Welcome Your Support!

First Congregational Church of Christ, UCC

First Congregational Church is a spiritually diverse, Open and Affirming congregation that welcomes all who seek to follow Jesus’ way. Worship services are every Sunday at 10 AM. Sunday School for children is provided at time of worship, and a staffed nursery is available for God’s littlest children. Join us!

Address: 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan

Phone: 920-457-4818


© 2023 by FCC Sheboygan. Proudly created with

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